Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb...
We invite you to our wedding
1 Oct 2016 is the day where Nawfalsy expressed his feelings to Prameswari, since then they decided to be in a relationship.
August 1st 2017 is one of the important moments where Nawfalsky went to Surabaya for 'showan' with Prameswari's family there.
But things didn't go so smoothly, on November 2017 Nawfalsky was placed in Sulawesi for work. Therefore Prameswari and Nawfalsky had to go through LDR for 3,5 years.
As time goes by, God blessed them and strengthen their hearts. They both stayed with their commitments to each other from the begining, and decided to continue their journey to the next step, which is to be married for the rest of their lives.
Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form:
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Due to the limitation caused by the current pandemic, we apologise for being unable to invite you directly. With all due respect, we hope to see you in the wedding, also give us your blessing and prayers.
Thank you.
Live Wedding
08.00 - Akad Nikah
Our wedding livestreaming will be held through Instagram Live on Prameswari's account @prameskid which will start at 08.00 WIB
Thank you for participating in our wedding!
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb...